Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Family of Three and 2/3

I would like to invite you to share the adventures of our family as we start our journey to having an organized home, start eating right, and having a bit more month at the end of our money. This blog is a judgment free zone. If you have something to say, please be nice. We are all adults here, or we pretend to be anyway. That being said – Enjoy your time here!

You are probably wondering who our family includes, right? Allow me to enlighten you!

I am Kimie, a stay at home mother who is 23. I am a full-time online college student, taking classes toward my Bachelors of Science in Business Management degree. I was recently married for the first time (in October of 2013) but things didn’t work out so I am soon to be a divorcee. We are expecting a baby sister in November of 2014.

Next up we have Bailey, a precocious 4 year old boy. He is smart as a whip and loves getting dirty, going on adventures, and playing video games with Mommy. Bailey started Headstart this year, and is enjoying it very much. He says he is looking forward to meeting our new baby sister in November, even though he really wanted a baby brother. I let Bailey choose between Zoey and Zelda for her name and he picked Zoey.

Last but not least, we have Nanny. Grandmother and best friend to both of us, she is the solid foundation this family is built upon. Retired from running heavy equipment, she does gourd crafts, is active in the local VFW, and loves working outside in the yard.

So there you have it, the facts about our little family. I hope you will join us here a couple days a week to follow along with our adventures in budgeting, organization, and eating healthier.